Unit Testing in DevOps Software Development
Explore unit testing the key properties of good unit test programs and learn how to differentiate between unit testing and integration testing in this 16-video. View key components of unit testing frameworks and how they can help developers write and execute tests and review test results. Learn best practices for writing productive test cases and anti-patterns that should be avoided. Then examine common unit testing tools for testing Java and JavaScript programs; and write and run unit tests with JsUnit and Qunit. Test server-side JavaScript using Mocha and Chai; learn core testing and refactoring techniques for developing testable and maintainable code; and observe guidelines and techniques for managing bugs in tests. Create test cases and test suites with JUnit; explore testing by using TestNG and recognize the role of unit testing in test automation and use AAA pattern to derive test cases. Conclude the course by recalling benefits of using test automation frameworks in the software delivery lifecycle and examining features of popular test automation frameworks that can be used to automate test executions.