JavaScript: Functions & Arrays in JavaScript


Learners will discover ways to define and use functions in Javascript where functions are considered first-class members in this 14-video course. Explore features of arrays in Javascript as well as their role in functions. Key concepts covered here include the basic functions and how to invoke them in Javascript; recognizing how var let and const keywords affect accessibility of variables in Javascript functions; and how to distinguish between var and let keywords when it comes to scope of variables. Learn to define functions by using concise syntax in ES6 specifications for Javascript; learn to manage errors in an application whether raised by Javascript or by your own logic using try catch and finally blocks; and learn how to create arrays and access and iterate over their elements. Next learn to use rest parameter syntax to create functions; use the spread operator to expand the contents of arrays; and break down and access components of arrays with array destructuring. Finally learn how to generate deep and shallow copies of arrays and add and remove array elements.