Building Web Apps Using Django: Generic Views
Explore various Django class-based generic views which help to simplify the tasks of viewing creating editing and deleting instances of Django models in this 14-video course. Django is a widely used web framework written in the Python language. You will begin with a two-part tutorial on updating forms in a Django app: part 1 on defining forms and a view function and part 2 on configuring update forms. Then explore how to use the built-in generic views: ListView to list instances of a model in your Django project; DetailView; CreateView; UpdateView and also DeleteView. Discover how to configure permissions for the DeleteView; generate an archive of your Django model instances using the ArchiveIndexView; and create an archive of Django model instances categorized by year using the YearArchiveView. A two-part tutorial on applying finishing touches concludes the course: part 1 on defining an "About Us" page for your Django application and part 2 on setting a customized 404 error page for your Django website.