Fluid Flow Measurement Part 1
Fluid Flow Basics Explain how pressure and velocity affect the flow of a fluid through a pipe. Describe the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow. State two methods of expressing flow measurements and provide examples of each. Flow Devices Part 1 Explain how an orifice plate creates a measurable difference in pressure. Identify three types of orifice plates. Explain how a venturi tube creates a measurable effect in a flow measuring system. Explain what a flow nozzle is. Flow Devices Part 2 Explain what an elbow tap is and how it works. Explain what a pitot tube is and describe how it works. State the purpose of straightening vanes and explain how that purpose is accomplished. Describe how flow measuring installations are typically mounted. Explain the purpose of condensate chambers and sediment traps in relation to fluid flow measuring systems. Differential Pressure Measurement Explain what a delta P device is. Describe three types of delta P devices and explain how they work. State a formula that can be used to convert a delta P measurement into a flow measurement. Use this formula to convert a differential pressure measurement into a flow measurement. Square Root Extractors State how a square root chart converts delta P measurements into flow measurements. Explain what a Ledoux bell is and state the principle by which it operates. Describe how a square root cam can be used to convert the rotating action of a gear mechanism into a linear motion that is directly proportional to flow.