Creating & Organizing Tasks
Tasks are a project’s metrics that need to be tracked and monitored. In this 10-video course, you will discover how to insert and edit tasks, and link, split, sort, filter, and organize tasks. This course has been recorded in a Project Online Desktop Client environment. Begin by learning how to insert a task and then further modify its information. This leads into learning how to edit a task, which can be easily done within Project. Then discover how to insert a recurring task, which is a task that repeats a set number of times. The exact details and number of times the task repeats can be defined by using the Recurring Task Wizard. Learn how to link or split tasks, and group tasks, which is a good way of organizing different tasks in your project. Explore how to sort tasks; filter tasks, and use tables to reorganize tasks. The course concludes by focusing on how to add notes to your tasks, and highlighting certain tasks.