Inserting Elements in an App


PowerApps has a multitude of possibilities for customizing your app. You can easily present data as a chart or table to give more perspective on your data values. Inserting images and videos can give your app more depth. In this 10-video course, learners will observe how to manage controls, variables, and even lists from SharePoint. Key concepts covered in this course include how to insert and edit labels to add text and configure displayed dates; how to insert text controls to help your text stand out and to indicate where users can insert data within forums; and how to insert an image and video into an app. Begin by learning how to manage media files by identifying, replacing, and using safe media files; how to insert tables and insert charts into an app; and how to configure and manage controls. Finally, learn how to customize lists; and learn to work with collections and variables, including adding interactions such as buttons or text input fields.