Getting to Know Macros in Excel Microsoft 365 for Windows
Learners will receive an in-depth exploration of macros to automate frequent tasks in Excel for Office 365 in this 10-video course which shows how to record macros perform actions to automate tasks and how to save a workbook as an Excel macro-enabled workbook. You will examine how to access macro tools by adding macro recording to the status bar and by activating the Developer tab in the tool ribbon. Next you will learn how to use the Visual Basic editor and navigate the key interface tools to manage your macros and workbook VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code. You will learn how to use the VBA editor to remove unwanted actions correct errors or remove macros from your Excel macro document. You will examine Excels security and warning details to ensure a macro from an outside source is safe and learn how to access and manage documents from the Developer tab. Finally learners will observe how to copy and import macros into other macro documents.