Exploring the Accessibility Tools in Windows 11
Windows 11 includes a number of tools to make it accessible to everyone. During this course you will learn how to configure your Windows 11 system for physical visual or hearing impairments through the Accessibility tools. Start by training Windows Speech Recognition to assist you with common system tasks. Configure the Windows Narrator to read aloud text on your screen. Enlarge selected portions of the screen with the Magnifier. Adjust the default text size apply color filters and contrast themes to make the items on the screen stand out more. Adapt keyboard behavior to match your dexterity needs. See how to use the on-screen keyboard to type using your mouse. Enable the Sticky Keys option to control what you type. Learn how to control your mouse using the numeric keypad and see how to enable the eye tracker. And explore the hearing accessibility features such as enabling mono audio activating visual alerts and configuring closed captions.