Truffle Suite: Introduction


Simplify and speed up the development of Ethereum-enabled applications using Truffle Suite for your Blockchain solutions. This course is purely theoretical and focuses on the need for a suite of tools to simplify the process of developing smart contracts and decentralized applications or dApps. Explore the most widely used set of tools in Truffle Suite including the role of Ganache in managing a customized private Ethereum network to speed up the contract development process. Learn the features of Ganache which allows users to deploy test and debug their smart contracts. And identify the need for the features of the Drizzle library a collection of Javascript libraries to build the user interface for a dApp. By the end of this course you will have a firm theoretical grasp of the development process for Ethereum smart contracts and how the Truffle Suite simplifies it. You will be ready to move on to a more hands-on course which makes use of each of these tools in the Truffle Suite.