Intrusion Prevention: Best Practices


Intrusion prevention helps one to detect and stop various attacks that other security components may miss. In this 13-video course learners explore objectives and tools of intrusion prevention including kernal attack prevention vulnerability discovery remediation strategies scan detection and evasion techniques. Begin by examining approaches to intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and how it differs from intrusion detection systems (IDS). Then take a look at options and deployment strategies for IPS; discover the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to IPS and view the role of IPS in preventing kernal attacks. Explore the methods used to discover vulnerabilities and the remediation strategies related to intrusions. Next learn how to block an attacker after too many failed login attempts; how to describe methods used in IPS to evade intrusions; and how to use tools including netstat to scan for potential intrusions on a local system. In the final two tutorials in this course you will scan a system for potential malware infections using nmap and use Suricata to implement a packet diversion for intrusion prevention.