Cryptography: Introduction to Cryptography Services
Learners will discover two core cryptography services encryption and hashing in this 14-video course. Examine the goals of information security symmetric and asymmetric encryption and using the Caesar cipher. Begin by taking a look at the goals of information security. Then explore cryptography services and how to associate those services with goals of information security and receive an overview of encryption and encryption history. Next watch a demonstration of how to use the CrypTool and the Caesar cipher. Following this you will examine symmetric encryption and define common symmetric encryption algorithms. Another demonstration covers CrypTool and symmetric encryption. Learners will be introduced to asymmetric encryption; learn how to define common asymmetric encryption algorithms; and explore the purpose of hashing and define common hashing algorithms. The final tutorial demonstrates use of the CrypTool and hashing. The concluding exercise involves downloading and installing CrypTool v1 creating a text file creating an MD5 and SHA1 hash of the file changing the file and checking the hash value again and encrypting text with Caesar cipher.