Combined Cycle: Heat Recovery Steam Generators
Describe the basic purpose of an HRSG. Identify and describe common types of HRSGs. Identify the major sections of a horizontal flow triple-pressure reheat HRSG. Define some common terms used to describe HRSG components. Describe basic operating principles of a HRSG. Describe the basic purpose of the low pressure (LP) steam system in a triple-pressure reheat HRSG. Identify and describe components of the LP steam system and describe fluid flow paths and operating parameters associated with the system. Describe the basic purpose of the intermediate pressure (IP) steam system in a triple-pressure reheat HRSG. Identify and describe components of the IP steam system and describe fluid flow paths and operating parameters associated with the system. Describe the basic purpose of the high pressure (HP) steam system and the reheat steam system in a triple-pressure reheat HRSG. Identify and describe components of the HP steam system and the reheat steam system and describe fluid flow paths and operating parameters associated with the systems. Describe some common structural components of a typical HRSG. Describe the purpose and operation of duct burners in an HRSG. Describe some common CO and NOx emissions equipment and control system components found in an HRSG.