Pole Top Equipment & Replacement Part 2
Pole Top Capacitors Describe the basic construction and operation of a typical capacitor used on a distribution feeder. Define the term power factor and explain how capacitors can be used to improve power factor. Troubleshooting Pole Top Capacitors Describe the basic parts of a capacitor bank installed on an overhead feeder. Identify items that should be checked during a visual inspection of a capacitor bank. Pole Top Capacitor Replacement Describe or demonstrate how a pole top capacitor bank may be isolated and safely discharged. Describe or demonstrate how a damaged pole top capacitor bank may be safely removed and replaced. Pole Top Voltage Regulators Describe the construction and induction voltage regulators and step voltage regulators. Explain the operation of a voltage regulator control circuit. Troubleshooting Pole Top Voltage Regulators Describe the basic parts of a step voltage regulator installed on an overhead feeder. Describe or demonstrate how to troubleshoot a malfunctioning step voltage regulator. Pole Top Voltage Regulator Replacement Describe one method of safely zeroing and isolating a voltage regulator before changeout. Describe or demonstrate how to safely remove a step voltage regulator from an overhead feeder and install a replacement unit.