Pad-Mounted Transformers and Switchgear
Pad-Mounted Transformers Describe the general construction and features of a pad-mounted transformer. Pad-Mounted Transformer Installation Describe an installation procedure for a three-phase pad-mounted transformer that includes the following steps: site preparation transformer installation and testing. Troubleshooting a Three-Phase Transformer Part 1 Define one leg open and describe its symptoms. Define ferroresonance and describe its symptoms. Define off ration winding and describe its symptoms. Define open neutral and describe its symptoms. Troubleshooting a Three-Phase Transformer Part 2 Describe or demonstrate how the troubleshooting process can be used to isolate the cause of a problem in a three-phase pad-mounted transformer. Pad-Mounted Switchgear Identify two types of pad-mounted switchgear. Describe the use of pad-mounted to sectionalize and isolate a underground residential distribution (URD) system. Describe some typical and operational checks for pad-mounted switchgear. Pad-Mounted Switchgear Operation Describe or demonstrate the use of pad-mounted switchgear to sectionalize and isolate equipment in an underground feeder system.