Developing a Basic MapReduce Hadoop Application


In this Skillsoft Aspire course discover how to use Hadoops MapReduce; provision a Hadoop cluster on the cloud; and build an application with MapReduce to calculate word frequencies in a text document. To start create a Hadoop cluster on the Google Cloud Platform using its Cloud Dataproc service; then work with the YARN Cluster Manager and HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) NameNode web applications that come packaged with Hadoop. Use Maven to create a new Java project for the MapReduce application and develop a mapper for word frequency application. Create a Reducer for the application that will collect Mapper output and calculate word frequencies in input text files and identify configurations of MapReduce applications in the Driver program and the projects pom.xml file. Next build the MapReduce word frequency application with Maven to produce a jar file and prepare for execution from the master node of the Hadoop cluster. Finally run the application and examine outputs generated to get word frequencies in the input text document. The exercise involves developing a basic MapReduce application.