DevOps with Docker: Implementing DevOps Using Docker


In this 12-video course learners can explore activities required to set up and configure Docker for development and the features of Sonotype Nexus and Artifactory repository manager. You will discover how to run local registries push and store images in local registries implement tunnels to network containers present on multiple hosts and use Docker Remote API to automate Docker tasks. Key concepts covered in this course include how to set up an end-to-end Docker-based local development environment; how to build Docker-based applications create the continuous integration workflow for building and testing applications with Docker and Jenkins; how to provision new resources and run containers on them using Docker Machine; and how to install and configure Sonotype Nexus to set up repositories. Next learners explore facilitating the continuous monitoring features of DevOps by implementing ELK for continuous logging and monitoring; learn Sonotype Nexus and Artifactory repository manager features; and how to install and configure Sonotype Nexus to set up a repository for artifact management.