Implementing WebLOAD Solutions
WebLOAD offers various solutions to load test websites Java and .NET. During this course you will explore these techniques as well as other solutions such as CRM ERP Selenium and Ellucian. Youll start by learning to use WebLOAD’s built-in features to connect to SQL Server and perform database commands. Next perform load tests and reports on SQL Server. From there you will learn how to use built-in features such as FTP and TCPIP and conduct SOAP load tests. Other topics include the following: how to operate built-in commands such as GET POST PUT DELETE HEAD and OPTIONS; how to use scripts and the WebLOAD API; how to run and analyze Selenium scripts and continuous integration (CI) performance tests. Connect to MS Access via the JET Engine. Use WEBLoad for Ellucian to test campus management platforms. Finally as a review you will learn how to implement WebLOAD solutions.