Essential Lighting: The Language Metrics & Process of Lighting Design


This course is intended as an overview of lighting issues that are important to designers and engineers as well as contractors. I have tried to emphasize the importance of these design issues to those who are ultimately affected by them the end user. I also hope that the text will provide the student with a primer to look at lighting with renewed curiosity and understanding. At the conclusion of this course you will have a good understanding of the following lighting topics: The significance of both the quality and quantity of light in lighting design Ways in which the human eye responds to light that are significant to the design Why high contrast in lighting and glare should be avoided in many lighting situations The definition and significance of cut-off luminaires in outdoor lighted environments The importance of the reflective properties of lighted surfaces The questions we need to answer before suggesting lighting solutions The numerical properties (metrics) of light that must be considered in lighting design How color of light is described in technical terms Standards for lighting energy use Basic formula and factors in lighting calculations How to read luminaire photometric data Applying IESNA illuminance categories Lighting design process and the importance of coordination between the designers and the trades Information needed to specify lighting