Request eLearning Access Form

To be approved for eLearning access you must:
1. Belong to the Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Career Field
2. Be a member of the Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Career Field Army Career Tracker (ACT) Community
3. Have a current Individual Development Plan (IDP)
4. Have a Udemy Business Account

Welcome Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Career Field Personnel

Learners get unlimited access to over 1,500 courses and live webinars!

Program administrator:

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Online Learning (Red Vector) Continuing Education Unit Portal

Online learning supports the training & development needs of Engineers, Architects, Facility Managers, Land Surveyors, Electricians, Safety Professionals, and others in the following ways:

  • Earn CLP, DAU and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) required credits
  • Improve skills that can be used on the job
  • Manage all training activity in one place
  • General career development

This eLearning program is on a hosted platform, making training and resources available anytime, anywhere, from any PC or mobile device with an internet connection.