AWS Developer Associate: AWS Database Services
Data storage and management is central to any application. AWS offers several different types of databases and database services for virtually any type of application and as a developer it s important to recognize the various database offerings on AWS Cloud. In this course you ll learn about the various database services offered on the AWS platform. You ll explore relational and nonrelational database options avAIlable on AWS Amazon Relational Database Service and Amazon DynamoDB. You ll examine in-memory data stores on AWS and options avAIlable for migrating data and databases to AWS. Next you ll learn how to install the AWS SDK for Python and the PyMySQL client library on a development machine and use them to create a security group for RDS in Python code. You ll then see how to create an RDS database instance using the MySQL database engine on AWS and how to install and configure MySQL Workbench to talk to the RDS database instance. Next you ll learn how to create tables and add records the RDS instance query that table and delete it and the security group all within Python code. You ll see how to create a table in Amazon DynamoDB add items to the table and use both the scan and query operations to retrieve data from the table using Python code. Finally you ll see how to clean things up by deleting the DynamoDB table using Python code. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer – Associate 2020 certification exam.