CompTIA A+ 220-1001: Resolving Problems
In any technological environment problems are inevitable. In this course learners will look at detAIled approaches to resolving problems by examining the six-step troubleshooting methodology used to resolve problems with computer systems. Through these well-documented steps you will learn: the impact of corporate policies procedures and impacts before implementing changes; how to identify problem steps such as questioning the user and inquiring about environmental and infrastructure changes; how to conduct external or internal research based on symptoms and establishing a theory of probable cause; testing the theory of the likely cause of the problem and evaluating your test results. Next learn how to establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution; verify full system functionality and if applicable implement preventive measures; and best practices in how to document findings actions and outcomes. This course wraps up with an exercise assignment to identify resolve verify and document computer problems while considering policies procedures and impacts. This course can be used to help prepare for the 220-1001: CompTIA A+ certification exam