Secure Programmer: Encryption
In this 5-video course learners discover the basics of cryptographic algorithms. You will receive a general overview of symmetric algorithms such as AES Blowfish and Serpent. You will also examine asymmetric algorithms such as RSA (Rivest Sharmir and Adelman) Diffie-Hellman and elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC). More importantly you will learn when to use which algorithm and what algorithms are better for specific purposes. You will then move on to integrity algorithms including hashes like SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) MD5 (Message Digest 5) and 6 RIPEMD (Ripe Message Digest) and HAVAL as well as message authentication codes (MACs) and HMACs (keyed-hash message authentication codes). You will also examine the strengths and weaknesses of these different approaches. The goal is whether one can make intelligent choices about which algorithms to implement for which purpose; whether one s concerns are about confidentiality; if one needs to do key exchange; is message integrity an issue; are you storing passwords? These will each require different algorithms.