Analyzing Data in Tableau Desktop


Generally speaking the ultimate goal of analyzing data is to be able to communicate any interesting relationships that you have found. In this 10-video course learners will discover how Tableau s analysis tools can further data analysis and communicate those relationships. Share your findings by observing how to create dashboards with interactive tools and exploring data. Begin by using ExplAIn data to inspect uncover and evaluate marks in a visualization [viz] while building exploring and analyzing data. Next examine how to display multiple diversified measures on multiple rows by using Tableau Desktop; create Tableau dashboards to bring visualizations together and create interactive applications; and configure dashboard layouts to support different types of devices. This leads into creating parameters and applying filtering in Tableau; performing total calculations to summarize data for analytics; embedding visualizations within tooltips and adding dashboard extensions and using them in dashboard layouts. Conclude the course by learning how to export Tableau data to a CSV [comma separated values] or database file and how to highlight data to provide descriptions for dashboard elements.