AWS DevOps Engineer Professional 2021: Logs & Metrics


“In order to manage large complex cloud systems computer professionals need information from diverse sources. This information is typically collected in the form of logs and metrics. Today s IT professionals need to understand the tools avAIlable to collect and aggregate logs and metrics in the AWS cloud to get maximum benefit from their insight.

Begin by exploring the fundamentals and challenges of logging in a distributed architecture. Discover the importance of structured logging and examine methods for collecting logs from various sources as well as tools for aggregating those logs in a central location for analysis. Then you will learn how to monitor custom metrics in AWS using CloudWatch configure log subscription filters to filter logs in CloudWatch and configure AWs Elastisearch to search for logs from CloudWatch. Finally focus on the log storage lifecycle for managing logs and the popular Elastisearch Logstash and Kibana (ELK stack) for visualizing logs in the cloud.

This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares you for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional (DOP-C01) certification exam covering objectives from DomAIn 3 of the exam topics.”