Securing AWS: Identity & Access Management
Learners will discover how to apply best practices to the new Amazon Web Services (AWS) root account and examine credentials passwords and access key usage in this 8-video course. Identity and Access Management (IAM) topics such as users groups roles and managed policies are also covered. The first tutorial examines root account security which leads to comparing credentials passwords and access keys and their use. Next you will learn about using the AWS command-line interface (CLI) a unified tool that allows you to manage your various AWS Services through a CLI. An important best practice to learn is using a bastion host also known as a bastion server or a jump host whose purpose is to give access to private networks from external networks such as the Internet. Continue with an introduction to the AWS IAM service and its configuration. The final tutorial looks at managed policies avAIlable through the IAM service. In the exercise you will be asked to describe root account security credentials AWS CLI bastions and AWS IAM.