Using the Power BI Mobile App


“Power BI Mobile is a dedicated app that allows users to access their Power BI reports and dashboards from smartphones and tablets. It offers a responsive and user-friendly interface enabling mobile data exploration sharing and collaboration.

Begin this course with an exploration of the Power BI Mobile application on an Android device learning how to create a mobile layout for a report and add visual-level and report-level data. Next you will examine the features of the Power BI Mobile application to see what functionality is avAIlable to you on the go. Then you will learn how to configure a shortcut to open a report from your phone s home screen and how to create and use QR codes to easily share a report. Finally you will discover how to share dashboards with other team members and how to use annotations to mark important visuals in a dashboard.

After completing this course you will be able to confidently use the Power BI Mobile application to view and analyze reports and dashboards on your mobile device.”