Build Apps Using React: Props & State
In this 18-video course learners explore the basics of props and state including similarities and differences. Discover how to work with props use expressions transfer props manually and using the spread operator. You will begin with a look at props and state in components and when they are used and differences between props and state. Then move on to working with props; passing data into components by using props; evaluating expressions to pass data to components and transferring props from higher to lower-level components manually. Also discover how to transfer props from higher to lower-level components using the spread operator; dynamically render components based on conditions with props and specify default values passed in as props. Next learn how to validate props and access child elements using props.children; use expressions to pass in props values; and specify functions as children of a component. Next receive an introduction to State; updating State by using this.setState() in a component; wiring up event handlers to update the state of a component; and accessing a componentÆs previous state.