Graph Modeling with Neo4j: Automating & Refactoring Graph Models
“This course focuses on using the Neo4j ETL tool to automate the migration from a relational database to a Neo4j graph and redefining a graph data model with the APOC library.
Start by setting up a relational database with multiple tables for entities as well as relationships between entities. Discover how relationships are modeled in tabular structures and what needs to happen for their translation into graphs. Use the Neo4j ETL tool to map the relational tables to a set of nodes and relationships. You will see where the tool can save you work and what its limitations are.
Finally learn about some of the options avAIlable in the Neo4j s APOC library to re-factor your graph data model. This will include redefining the properties in nodes as well as modeling relationships with multiple properties as nodes with simpler relationships.