CompTIA A+ 220-1002: Operational Procedures Best Practices
This 13-video course offers a comprehensive overview of best practices and safety standards: the working rules which keep operators from causing harm to their systems. Documentation best practices for example begin with network topologiesùmapping diagrams of distribution of devices and subnetworks home or officeùwhile sensible password policies exist to offer invaluable protection to users and systems alike. Record all incidents; manage inventory carefully; comply with government regulations and MSDS documentation. Basic safety proceduresùgoggles AIr filter masks weight limitations toxic waste handlingùare needed to protect users equipment and IT staff alike and must be up-to-date. Change management is critical to continued success; what the world you work in will look like next year is almost impossible to guess so learn to be ready for anything. Remote access technologies are constantly evolving and you must keep abreast of changes. A closing exercise allows you to assess your knowledge of just a few: password policies; AIrborne dust and debris; and government regulatory compliance laws. Course helps prepare for CompTIA A+ certification exam 220-1002