Graph Analytics with Neo4j: Managing Databases with the Neo4j Browser
“Knowing how to perform a variety of database management tasks from the Neo4j Browser allows database administrators to make best use of the avAIlable features and to maximize productivity.
Begin with learning about the fundamental administration tasks of creating a new user with a specific set of permissions on a database system and testing that user s permissions. Discover the various built-in roles avAIlable for a Neo4j user and how to manage a user during their lifecycle.
Moving on explore the different ways in which query results can be viewed from a graph view where the nodes and relationships are clearly visible to a tabular and plAIn text view of the data. Finally test out the Neo4j API by submitting an HTTP POST request to initialize a transaction for the creation of a node and then commit that transaction.
By completing this course you ll explore the various granular detAIls which can be configured in the Neo4j Browser to customize it for your own requirements.”